KSUM 2025



Awards & Grants

The KSUM 2025 organizing committee is preparing various awards and prizes to encourage scientific activities.

International Grant Award

Awarded to all overseas presenters of the abstracts that have been accepted to be presented onsite at the Scientific Session, Scientific Exhibition (E-poster) or Informal Scientific Presentation_Ultrasound, the Best. The award is given only once to the presenting author regardless of the number of accepted abstracts or co-authors.

USD 300

Young Investigator Award

Presenters under the age of 40 who are nominated for the Young Investigator Award Session will be given the opportunity to present at KSUM 2025. The Young Investigator Award will be awarded to the top 3 most outstanding presenters.

Grand Prix (1 Winner) Gold (2 Winners)
KRW 1,000,000 KRW 500,000

Ultrasound, the Best Award

Awarded to the top 3 Informal Scientific Presentation presenters based on peer review of the scientific content of their presentations.

Ultrasound, the Best Award (3 Winners)
KRW 100,000

Best Poster Award

Awarded to presenting authors of selected scientific exhibitions based on peer review of the scientific content of their presentations.

Grand Prix (1 Winner) Gold (2 Winners) Silver (3 Winners) Bronze (4 Winners)
KRW 500,000 KRW 300,000 KRW 200,000 KRW 100,000

* Please be informed that the prizes of all awards will be presented after deducting 22% tax from the original amount in the case of awardees from the following countries: Afghanistan, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Denmark, Guatemala, Lebanon, Mozambique, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, Republic of Suriname, Singapore, Sudan, Switzerland, Chinese Taipei, Turkiye.

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